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Busy Bee's Blog

The Wedding Debate: Wedding Favors vs Wedding Welcome Bags

Ah, the welcome bags and wedding favor question… shall we supply both or pick one, and

If you are reading this as someone who is brand new to all things wedding...

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Don’t Make This Common Wedding Day Mistake πŸ’

What you need to know about cocktail hour

Cocktail Hour is usually after the ceremony and before reception and it's honestly my favorite time of wedding day.

Guests get to enjoy...

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Keep An Open Mind When Planning Your Wedding

Get rid of any preconceived notions you have of the wedding

Honestly, we all grew up thinking we want one thing, but just like everything else in life doesn't really happen like...

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How To Plan Your Virtual Zoom Bridal Shower

So you're still planning to host a virtual bridal shower but not sure where to start? 

Well you're in the right place because here's your step by step guide to planning...

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