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Top 10 Reasons To Consider 2020 Micro-Wedding / Intimate Wedding

Before I jump into reasons why you should consider a 2020 Micro / Intimate Wedding, I wanted to address something that has really been bothering me recently by something a vendor said to me...He said that our clients don’t care about our lives, they only care about their wedding day...this really sat with me because not only do I NOT believe that, couples will definitely care if we’re out of business so yeah, I know our couples care and yeah I’m still going to do my thing educating the wedding world through social media because everyone is too afraid to speak the truth and “hurt” peoples feelings (please don’t raise your hand if you’ve felt personally victimized by me ;) i’m not Regina George and that’s not why I do what I do), but how are you going to know if no one tells you what’s going on?


So if you’re new to my page, Hi! I’m bee, I tell you the truth and try to be non-biased in my news delivery but of course I am human and a wedding planner but I try to always explain both sides to wedding planning, the vendors side and the couples side. AND I understand i’m not always right but I am always honest and fair which is what I think is so essential in a good wedding planner.


I am always honest with my clients no matter what it is. Sticker shock is always a huge factor to our wedding world AND also explaining why so many things in the industry are priced the way they are for a particular reason (not because of wedding vendors taking advantage of couples) is part of that wedding planning job. 


So for those who are still wanting to do a wedding this year and seriously at a loss as to where to start and not quite sure what to do, I am creating a solution. I am starting to put together micro wedding packages that will include your venue AND vendors for a set price. Right now i’m working out the numbers so I can share for those who are interested but here are some great reasons why you should do a micro wedding:

  1. Your getting married to your best friend
  2. Masks are going to be worn for a while and I truly believe it can be a great story for your wedding day and you can speak to photographers to try to see the best photography options with guests with masks on
  3. You can ask all your vendors and guests to be tested 1-2 weeks before the wedding to be sure safety of all that are concerned
  4. You can still have a wedding outdoor and honestly just as (if not more) gorgeous! And get creative with your seating arrangements, there are really beautiful ways to abide the 6 feet rule and still have the wedding look awesome and feel safe. Last micro wedding we had separate areas for older guests for ceremony and it was great and not noticeable in photos AT ALL.
  5. Sneeze guards are where it’s at!! They’re clear and not really seen, and can be placed on your bar, band stage, anywhere that’s giving you anxiety of spreading this craziness, there are also ways to prevent that mind-frame (think outdoor restaurants who are able to still be open and FINE during these times)
  6. BIG POINT HERE You save money because venue/vendors are MORE than willing to discuss their pricing for 2020 wedding because of the suffering of the wedding industry right now…literally you can save THOUSANDS
  7. ANOTHER HUGE POINT You also save money because you are inviting less people AND you can have everyone else join in on Zoom (and yes they still send you gifts when attending ZOOM - although I know that’s not a reason to have it this year, it’s just a perk)
  8. There is STILL a dancefloor and you can STILL dance, just be sure that there are 6 foot markers on the dancefloor (known as decals or dancefloor wrap if you want the whole dancefloor covered) and you’re good to go!
  10. You still get to celebrate your big day, it just looks differently than you originally imagined but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing! It can absolutely be a great thing!


Sure this isn’t the wedding of your childhood dreams but if you’ve been watching my channel for a while, I always say (EVEN PRE PANDEMIC) that nothing is like what we imagined when we were little (unfortunately I didn’t become my childhood dream of a purse designer) and so why should that not apply to your wedding as well? Life is reality and the reality is, if you want to get married this year, have fun with 50 people or less, SAVE A TON OF MONEY AND YET STILL A LARGE AMOUNT OF GIFTS (of course this isn’t the ONLY reason for a wedding but it definitely helps) well then this might be your PERFECT opportunity!


Still not quite sure? The. Let’s do a call to discuss our micro wedding packages to see what works best for you.  Don’t forget we have that online course as well that includes ZOOM calls with yours truly 😊

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